Prevention and screening of chronic diseases before they start has been identified as the best way to prevent this rise in disease, with primary care providing the greatest opportunity for impact as most prevention and screening actions are offered in these settings; However,in our current healthcare system, most primary care providers lack the time, resources and tools to address cancer and chronic disease prevention and screening, and to integrate the many guidelines and resources that are focused on one specific disease, organ system, or lifestyle risk.

Traditional models of health care focus on one disease, but to prevent chronic diseases we need a proactive, comprehensive approach, and this is where The BETTER Program™ comes in. We take a personalized, comprehensive approach, by carefully blending the best available clinical evidence to inform patients about their chronic disease risk and how to improve their overall health. BETTER is unique because it addresses the root causes of chronic diseases and common risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

We bring together Clinicians, Policy Makers, Researchers, and Patients to improve chronic disease prevention. Frontline health care professionals such as nurses, dietitians, and pharmacists are trained on the BETTER approach and tools, becoming experts in prevention and a resource to their practice setting.

While The BETTER Program™ has been demonstrated to have a positive impact on patients’ health through a cluster randomized controlled trial, which found a 37% improvement in the screening and prevention of chronic diseases such as blood pressure, cancer, smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical activity, research involving the program is ongoing to continue to build evidence for the program with diverse patient populations (e.g. vulnerable populations, cancer survivors), health care settings (e.g. public health), and health conditions (e.g. secondary prevention of chronic disease)

Ongoing Initiatives



BETTER Women is a health promotion program that offers women free access to a volunteer peer health coach who is trained to help them reach and maintain their health and cancer screening goals. The goals are created by the participant and a peer health coach will be there along the participant’s journey to provide additional motivation and help them stay accountable.

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Virtual BETTER

The goal of Virtual BETTER is to assess the accessibility and acceptability of three different methods of delivering a BETTER Prevention Visit: telephone, video and in-person. Results from this study will also be used to assess the feasibility of a non-inferiority randomized control trial to compare outcomes between patients experiencing visits using these modalities.

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Completed Initiatives


BETTER Life Study

The goal of the BETTER Life study is to learn if the BETTER HEALTH: Durham program, which has been shown to help people 40-64 years take steps to prevent chronic disease, can be adapted for younger persons ages 18 to 39 years.

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2016 – 2022


The BETTER WISE project engages patients to become active participants in their health by integrating evidence-based guidelines and resources into an actionable, comprehensive approach that proactively addresses chronic disease prevention, screening and cancer survivorship, including screening for poverty and addressing lifestyle risks.

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2015 – 2020


The goal of the BETTER HEALTH: Durham study is to adapt the BETTER intervention guided by community-based participatory research (CBPR) principles in order to enhance chronic disease prevention and screening for persons 40 – 64 years of age.

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2015 – 2016

The TAP-BPS Project

The aim of this collaboration was to refine and integrate electronic versions of the BETTER Program tools (i.e. the BETTER App) into the TAPESTRY Application (or TAP-App) platform developed for use in the McMaster personal health record.

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2012 – 2015

The BETTER 2 Program

The BETTER 2 Program engaged patients, clinicians, researchers and policy-makers to develop an integrated, comprehensive, longitudinal and sustainable approach to chronic disease prevention and screening within the various settings.

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2009 – 2012

The BETTER Trial

The BETTER trial’s aim was to improve prevention and screening for cancer and other chronic diseases in the family practice setting. The trial demonstrated an effective intervention that improved care by 37% at the individual patient level.

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The BETTER Mainpro+ Workshop

We can do BETTER – Building on Existing Tools to Improve Cancer and Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening in Primary Care Mainpro+ Workshop

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Journal Articles

Chronic disease prevention and screening outcomes for patients with and without financial difficulty from BETTER WISE: Secondary analysis of cRCT data.

BMJ Open

Harmonization of clinical practice guidelines for primary prevention and screening: Actionable recommendations and resources for primary care.

BMC Primary Care

BETTER LIFE – guidelines for chronic disease preventive care for people aged 18-39 years: a literature review

BMC Primary Care

Assessing the effectiveness of “BETTER Women”, a community-based, primary care-linked peer health coaching programme for chronic disease prevention: protocol for a pragmatic, wait-list controlled, type 1 hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial

BMJ Open

Prevention and screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: Qualitative findings from the BETTER WISE project.

BMC Primary Care

Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of BETTER WISE, a chronic disease and prevention intervention in Canada: A qualitative study.

Global Implementation Research and Applications

Opportunities to improve quality of care for cancer survivors in primary care: findings from the BETTER WISE study

Supportive Care in Cancer

Results from the BETTER WISE trial: a pragmatic cluster two arm parallel randomized controlled trial for primary prevention and screening in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic

BMC Primary Care

Building on existing tools to improve chronic disease prevention and screening in public health: a cluster randomized trial.

BMC Public Health

What is a prevention visit? A qualitative study of a structured approach to prevention and screening – the BETTER WISE project.

BMC Family Practice

The effectiveness of a proven chronic disease prevention and screening intervention in diverse and remote primary care settings: an implementation study on the BETTER 2 Program.

British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) Open

The BETTER WISE protocol: Building on existing tools to improve cancer and chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care for wellness of cancer survivors and patients – a cluster randomized control trial embedded in a mixed methods design.

BMC Cancer

BETTER HEALTH: Durham – protocol for a cluster randomized trial of BETTER in community and public health settings.

BMC Public Health

Patients’ perspectives on BETTER prevention and screening: Qualitative findings from Newfoundland & Labrador.

British Journal of General Practice (BJGP) Open

Moderate mental illness as a predictor of chronic disease prevention and screening.

BMC Family Practice

Family history of chronic disease: prevalence, accuracy and utility in prevention and screening.

Canadian Family Physician

Implementation of the BETTER 2 Program: A qualitative study exploring barriers and facilitators of a novel way to improve chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care.

Implementation Science

Developing clinical decision tools to implement chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care: the BETTER 2 Program (Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening in Primary Care).

Implementation Science

On the analysis of composite measures of quality in medical research.

Statistical Methods in Medical Research

Implementing and evaluating a program to facilitate chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care: a mixed methods program evaluation.

Implementation Science

Finding a BETTER Way: A qualitative study exploring the Prevention Practitioner intervention to improve chronic disease prevention and screening in family practice.

BMC Family Practice

Guideline Harmonization and Implementation Plan for the BETTER Trial (Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening in Family Practice).

Canadian Medical Association Journal Open (CMAJOpen)

Improving Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening in Primary Care: Results of the BETTER Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.

BMC Family Practice

Current Use of Electronic Medical Records in primary care of chronic disease: the implications for clinical governance.

Clinical Governance: An International Journal

Published Abstracts

“It’s improving screening rates, it’s catching things early, and it’s empowering people”: A qualitative study of BETTER WISE.

The Annals of Family Medicine

Improving primary prevention and screening: Knowledge synthesis and actionable recommendations for the BETTER Program.

The Annals of Family Medicine

PCR101: Qualitative evaluation of the BETTER HEALTH intervention: views of community residents living in low income neighborhoods.

Abstracts from the 48th NAPCRG Annual Meeting. November 20, 2020, Virtual.

OP223: The BETTER Program: from clinical trials to nation-wide implementation.

Abstracts from the 48th NAPCRG Annual Meeting. November 20, 2020, Virtual.

Patients’ perspectives of BETTER WISE a chronic disease prevention and screening project.

International Journal of Qualitative Methods

Abstract P-51: Facilitators and Barriers to the Implementation of the BETTER 2 Program: Qualitative Evaluation of a New Approach to Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening (CDPS).

European Journal of Cancer Care

Abstract P-50: Finding a BETTER Way: A Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening Program.

Abstracts of the Cancer and Primary Care Research International (Ca-PRI) Network Seventh Annual Meeting: New Partnerships in Primary Care Research. June 10=13, 2014, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. European Journal of Cancer Care 2014: 23 (Sup1): 1-23.

Family history in primary care: feasibility, accuracy and utility in chronic disease prevention and screening.

Canadian Family Physician

Finding a BETTER Way: A Program to Facilitate Chronic Disease Prevention ad Screening in Primary Care.

Canadian Family Physician

How can we do BETTER? Contrasting perspectives on a new approach to chronic disease prevention and screening (CDPS) in Newfoundland and Labrador.

International Journal of Qualitative Methods

Evidence Synthesis, Translation, Tool Development and Implementation Plan for the BETTER 2 (Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening in Primary Care) Project.

Family Medicine Journal

Doing it BETTER (Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening): a qualitative evaluation of a personalized approach to prevention and screening.

Family Medicine Journal

On the analysis of composite endpoints in primary care.

Family Medicine Journal

Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening: Results of the BETTER Trial.

Family Medicine Journal

Development of Clinical Interventions for the Better Project (Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention in Family Practice).

Family Medicine Journal

Screening And Primary Prevention In Primary Care In Patients With Co-morbid Depression: Evidence Review And Tool Identification for The Better Coalition.

Family Medicine Journal

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

Cancer SCN Research.

Cancer SCN Quarterly Update. January – March 2019 Edition.

BETTER Recognized in PMH Implementation Kit.

Family Medicine Research Newsletter. October 2019 Edition.

BAP in Research: BETTER WISE.

CCMI BAP Community of Practice Newsletter. December 2018 Edition.

The BETTER Institute.

Family Medicine Research Newsletter. July 2018 Edition.

BETTER Program Receives CPAC Grant.

Family Matters: Your updates from the University of Alberta Department of Family Medicine. May/June 2018 Edition.

Exercise aids in treating illnesses

Alberta Health Services, Alberta Innovates, Issue 26.

CLASP 1 AND CLASP 1 Renewals – The BETTER 2 Program.

Cancerview website. August 17, 2016 Edition.

Improving cancer and chronic disease prevention and screening through the BETTER WISE Project

Cancer Cares, Alberta Health Services.


The Bear Facts: A Newsletter for Employees of the Government of the Northwest Territories

Assessing the cost of sitting: Study shows Canadians at higher risk of chronic conditions due to sedentary lifestyles.

Northern News Services

Making BETTER Choices.

The Bear Facts: A Newsletter for the Employees of the Government of the Northwest Territories

Putting science back into the Family Medicine Forum

College of Family Physicians of Canada website

Projects and Initiatives Around the North: NWT BETTER Program

The Canadian Circumpolar Health Newsletter

Improve your health.

The Labradorian. November 19, 2013 Edition.

Research Teams: The BETTER 2 Program

Covenant Health Research Publication (newsletter)

Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening in Family Practice: the BETTER Project

Covenant Health Research Publication (newsletter)